Lesson #2 Look at the Possiblities | Selecting the SSC style which works best this year
For our family, each summer has been as unique as our kids and personalities. I've learned to adapt and be okay with the ebb and flow of our individual needs. It took me a few flops to know I needed to explore other options.
I used to think the Super Summer Challenge needed to last all three months or else it wasn't worth doing. Of course, I was wrong and I think you'll appreciate having options to create those much needed meaningful moments.
Instead of steps for this portion, I've numbered out the options, which I've included in your Summer Style Packet.
You can review the details before printing them all out or if you are like me, reading about them on a screen isn't good enough and you want to touch and feel. So I've included pictures or examples to print out and decide which one you like.
I've shown you each one of these in this lesson's video. And we will work on the details of these in the next lessons. You will not quite have your finished product yet after this lesson. This is just for inspiration and for decision making.
First, use step #4 from your Summer Style worksheet to jump to the style which will work best for you this year.
Option #1- Traditional chart of activities. This is the one my mother-in-law created for her kids and her best friend. She purchased poster board and wrote out a graph to track activities and progress. Since this is a hand-created item I've included a picture for example to give inspiration to your chart making time.
Tracking tips to mark completion or progress for this style:
- Use favorite stickers
- Fill in with markers
- Buy little dot stickers
- Simple check mark in pen (pencil is not recommend)
Option #2- Simple Summer Challenge
- Create and print one for each child. (find in lesson Module 5 lesson #1)
- Mark progress as listed in the traditional SSC.
- Have rewards on a separate chart. (we will talk about points and rewards in Module 5).
Option #3- Poker chip style.
- You have a simple 8.5 X 11 sheet with all the ways they can earn points (we will talk about points in the following lessons).
- Have an empty jar (glass or clean nut butter jars) and a few boxes of poker chips.
- Either simplify and color code point values and add a specific color each time they complete a challenge. Or keep track by adding the amount of poker chips assigned for each challenge.
Option #4- Summer Bingo Fun. You have 2 sizes of bingo charts to work with, or create your own! When I did this, I created one for each child, but you can use just one and have it be a family Super Summer Challenge.
- Choose from a 25 or 36 square bingo, empty or filled out with our ideas.
- Mark each square you complete as listed in option #1.
- When you get a whole row, celebrate with a reward or make them wait until their whole board is completed.
- We will cover prizes and rewards in the fourth module.
Option #5- Summer Bucket List. One summer I did our Super Summer Challenge for only 4 weeks of the summer. But for the entire summer, we had a consistent schedule with a bucket list of ideas to draw from every week.
- Use the dream list of ideas and write them down on strips of paper.
- At the beginning of your 'off' weeks pull from your bucket list and put them in the current week's schedule. These are the unscheduled fun activities. (I didn't have as many needed learning elements to work on so I kept those to just the SSC weeks. We already had before nap and bedtime reading times as part of our routine and they weren't yet able to perform many household chores.)
- This might be an ideal style when you have little ones.
Option #6- Summer Camp Style might be perfect for those who:
- Only want to try out the Super Summer Challenge.
- Have one available week.
- Are blessed with family who would like to do a week with the kids this summer; such as Grammy Camp or Auntie Camp.
- Need to do a stay-cation this year? You already have a bucket list of things written out you've been wanting to do and now you have the time to do it!
For a solid week you dedicate most of your waking hours to the activities you want to accomplish or do. You can chart with any of the previously mentioned method or maybe you do character awards at the end of your week. Since the whole week is filled with intentional time it might be more fun to celebrate with an ice cream date and simple ceremony verbally praising them in front of the whole family for all the positive you saw that week.
No matter what your summer style is, you're about to create memories which will last a lifetime.
Now you get to decide which one will give you a Simply Summer!